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Just what you want.

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1Just what you want.  Empty Just what you want. Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:38 pm



Okay now, I'm ready. If I'm banned some might be Happy and some surely will be sad.

Flame shield: ON

Okay, if you guys heard about the domain error or whatever it is, just like about 30mins ago, I went to the site and stated some facts. Yes! Facts. Some one said I flamed. But anyway, IDC! You guys might think I'm Childish what ever bullshits!

I know that I don't know what's going on. But, Sam said Mo know this but what so ever, what I said still stands out for the server. I said

'Look who took the Domain of SextMS. Perhaps it's not a domain but whatsoever. If you seriously want a reputation for YOUR server, build it yourself. You also need to organize YOUR staff team. Choose wisely. As for Morphs, you just follow whoever who can give you good stuffs. Stop advertising in Sext. Okay, thats all. Bye'

Like I said, I don't know how and what happened to the Domain. From 3rd person view, this is what I got.

I'm doing nothing to Sam. As you can see. But then, he just went to SextMS OFFICIAL site and said:

And this is what happened at SextMS.tk :

Okay Sam, he just said I'm flaming. But, can't he fucking read? I'm standing out for the Server. Whatsoever, if Mo asked him to stay at the site. Do it. Why must he fucking care what I typed. But anyway, he should be happy that I typed it out. Cause he wouldn't be banned and can continue be a spy over there.

He raged at me. I'm a simple person like what all you guys think. I can go really evil.

From what I read AGAIN, Sam is rather standing over there. Like I've said above, he shouldn't bother AT ALL. If he's unhappy what can't he calmly tell me what to do and tell me what happened?

He played at my name, I wouldn't go soft anymore. Name is given by our Parent. ANYBODY should respect it.

Even so, if it's Mo asked him to do, I wouldn't care much. Mo he's human not a reason. He can't stop me from doing any un-illegal stuff.

What else can I get? A ban? Lmao.

Kay thats all. Hate me all you like. I'll hate you even more. No worries. Fuck OFF if you don't like me. Chase me off the Server like what you can.

THE MAXIMUM I CAN GET IS A BAN. And I'm ready for it.

Edit: I'm not good in English but neither am I bad in it. Sorry for the grammars so shyt that you don't like.

Edit2: If there's a apology, I'll accept it and I'll apologize too. Since your actually helping Mo too.

Last edited by Aaron<3 on Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:14 pm



Well I agree at most of it,
and yea it doesnt look like ur raging at all,
and Sam shouldnt really rage at you,
I was actualy reading what u guys was saying,
well yea,Mo isnt a reason his just a human,
Sam totaly disrespected you.

3Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:35 pm



Lol interesting, Lets just move on from that?


4Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:45 pm



Yea I agree ^,
Lately,alot of things has been happenin ,
Stress = Rage :3

5Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:32 am



You shud look the definition of "whatsoever" up. ^_^ You're using it improperly.

FLAME SHIELD: ON <-- i like this i think i shall steal it


6Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:11 am



Take it. Everyone is using it.. O.oooooooo

7Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:48 pm



^ Glad you calm down? :/
LOL? I hardly see anybody using "Flame Shield" f3

8Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:58 am



That was a good rage, i hope you got that out of your system

9Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Thu Dec 09, 2010 11:42 am


Good Poster =D

dude you're so FUCKING childish,how old r u. And also don't remember that once u go into quarantinems the 1st sentence u say is QUARANTINEMS SUX. dude u can just ask for the new website of sextms and leave. Don't fucking say any server sux cause you're even sux. You cant even make a server on your own. Did u ever think before write? Stop being FUCKING childish. Grow up kid.

10Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:23 pm



Ohh. Finally. You're here. -Ignore all other Forum.-

Why are you defending them uh? Look how many player from Sext went over and they're their staff?

And Sorry, so what if I'm 13? Please look at the way you do stuff before you say I'm childish iigh?
But anyway, I don't care if you think I'm childish or not.
You're not me. How do you know I can't make a server? A server with no features of course I could do so.

If I sucked, you sucked more yea. You STFU-ed when I've proven to you on SextMS official site. I don't like this. Lets have a life long quarrel.

Everyone have the right to comment on a thing. I commented 'Suck' at that MS. What can you do? I LOVE sharing my feeling so what? I'd rather say everything out before I really got emotionally mad f33.

Last edited by Aaron<3 on Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

11Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:27 pm


Good Poster =D

you think you're the only 1 can get mad huh?

12Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:28 pm



Hello, free feel to rage too. I can handle it. As well as others. But anyway, I'm not mad. I'm so happy now. I have a wonderful conversation with law.

13Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:30 pm


Good Poster =D

whatever noob

14Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:33 pm



Cmon! I haven't have enough fun yet manz! Lets continue. I'm noob, childish, I should grow up yea? What about you uhh? :O

First thing first, I should train, be more mature.

Now, second thing f33
Since I typed myself. You should do it. Reflect yourself. <3

Edit2: If there's a apology, I'll accept it and I'll apologize too. Since your actually helping Mo too.

15Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:39 pm



LOL wow sam.
Aaron's simply stating a fuckin point, how about YOU grow up ? ur such a fag -.-
why cant u just make peace and apologise?
dude take a look, UR the one that raged.
fuckin immature faggot -.-

16Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:40 am



Lul at the irony ^. Sammy, do yourself a favor and learn how to express yourself in a more respectful manner. Aaron is stating his points in a well articulate and polite manner, while you're just throwing out insults.

Here's a lovely quote from you -> "whatever noob" Just that one line blatantly shows everyone how immature you are. Do you realize you are fighting a battle you've already lost? Aaron's already over it, but what about you?

Aaron, you have earned my 100% respect and support Smile.

17Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:22 am



Locking topic, just so i can look at it and laugh later


18Just what you want.  Empty Re: Just what you want. Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:56 am



Laugh all you want (:

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