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Suggestion to improve SextMS

4 posters

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1Suggestion to improve SextMS Empty Suggestion to improve SextMS Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:23 am



Im Lush in game
I like SextMS !
Thats why i create this to help to improve SextMs !

First and foremost,we should have more channel(mayb it'll be more hard to manage)
This help to get more player, and could find a map to train easily without ksing

Besides, the commands [@sext] should included all npc(now only 90%)
this provide more convenience to us. Furthermore, in order to get more player, we should have more GMs to held more EVENT and some other feature to attract player

For instance,in my opinion,the rate of the server could be adjust by the player,{only can adjust it lower rate, not beyond the maximum rate of the server according to ur occupation}
Moreover, there should be more Fun thing besides Net cafe gachapon, other player could suggest more thing can be held, added in game to increase / attract more player come and join

Last but not least, the boss should be place in a better, challenging, and not over spawn rate like the black crow, after more and more player come and join, the boss 's thingy should be more challenging.

And the All in one shop item's should increase the price of the high level item, and add more scrolls(staff for ma).

Maybe make another world with GMS-like

thats all my suggestion,mayb there are more, but i cant recall
This suggestion may not be implement immediately, but only hope that Scorpio, u can take consideration on this ^.^

Lush <3333
Memories <3333

2Suggestion to improve SextMS Empty Re: Suggestion to improve SextMS Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:27 am



Thanks for your opinions Smile, I will really take these ideas into consideration.


3Suggestion to improve SextMS Empty Re: Suggestion to improve SextMS Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:54 pm



i agree with a lot of that, especially this V
stitch wrote:
Last but not least, the boss should be place in a better, challenging, and not over spawn rate like the black crow, after more and more player come and join, the boss 's thingy should be more challenging.

i'll be sure to talk it over with Brad and Mo (Me+Brad+Mo=most active GMs). Thanks for the suggestions!

4Suggestion to improve SextMS Empty Re: Suggestion to improve SextMS Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:12 pm



I really like the GMS World idea. But it would be a bad idea to do that, maybe when we get a lot more people Smile.


5Suggestion to improve SextMS Empty More channels Sat Nov 06, 2010 4:01 am



Seeing how fast this server is growing there need's to be more channels Black crows is always packed with people and sometimes it's impossible to train there due to the emense amount of people. Just somthing I think should be added cat

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