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I am, or perhaps We are, not happy with the new GM

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Titles say it, I, Luxy or perhaps some of my buddies are not happy with the new GM. Why ? He asked us to respect him but he did not respect us at first.

He abused GM power. I understand he is new, but cant he be humble and learn ? He did not, he make own decision although it goes against the rule. He anyhow !kill player. This happened on me, when all of us are in the old FM, he asked us not to spam FJ ? I then asked him, why cant we spam FJ ? Then why the hell Mo make it as unlimited FJ ? He then !killed me, just anyhow abusing or showing off his GM power. Happens on Starie also, he !killed Starie when he was training in crows. Starre then asked him for the reasons kill him. He answer, "If i do not kill you, you will not reply me". LMAO ?

He still threatening Slash that he will be banned tomorrow. So are you sure this kind of dude can handle the position well ? Okay, I appreciate his contribution for the server, as he donated for an amount. I thanks to him, but not the way he handle the GM position. I got informations from my buddy, said that he spawned 100 Horntails in the T/F event. So yeah, it might crashed the server and many inconveniences will caused to the players.

I should understand he is only 10, as someone told me, so he might not to be that mature or .. good in handling the post. He said he is the co owner of RydahMS. So I should advice him, this is SextMS and it goes different with your previous server. This means, what you did and acted in your last server, does not mean it is always correct in a new placeeee, goes the saying, do as the Romans do while you are in Rome. I don't mind to be his friend or what, as i helped him when he was new to the server. I am friendly, if you treat me good. I will always treat the way you treated me, you know. So, I do not mind give him some times to master it or learn it, I will wait.

So yeah, as conclude, I hope he will turn over a new leaf ? If he does, Im glad to friend with him, just like I friend with few of the GMs

Respect other first if you want to be respected
We are not always the wrong and you are not always the right, vice versa. So if i did anything wrong, I apologise at first.



I'll talk to him,
Thanks for your opinion,
Really troublesome ._.


Gettin' Started!
Gettin' Started!

Nah its okay ^ I will still prefer to have a friend instead of foe o_o





Gettin' Started!
Gettin' Started!

These are the screen shoots i got to prove Music is anyhow giving out free rare items
Witness : Cola, Crystal

I am, or perhaps We are, not happy with the new GM Maple016

I am, or perhaps We are, not happy with the new GM Maple017

I am, or perhaps We are, not happy with the new GM Maple019

I am, or perhaps We are, not happy with the new GM Maple020

What should we do ? Doing nothing and let the GMs anyhow giving free items ?


Gettin' Started!
Gettin' Started!

Ok you can forget about the Piggy book, since GM can gives out easily obtainable items. Focus on the weird Zakum Helm 3



I saw he gave GML -.-
Also alot of NX from CS but it still pissed me off
im telling this to Mo,Thanks.



I'm just saying as a outsider's view. If you srsly wna befriend him, why did you actually still report him? I know that he's wrong. But, those item is actually not worth any cents. I also believe that other GMs give out Item megaphone etc. But cmon, this is a game, we cannot just follow the rules like a dead human.

From a player view.
If may be unfair to us. But somehow we still have to accept it. Or try asking items from him -wink-

+1more strike?

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