So im starting a new topic, this one is about the dreams u have. Please share w/ us, and we will share with u.
Rule: Reply comments about the dreams u have had lately
i will start first:
So this morning when i fell asleep like at 12:08 AM... i had a dream... i was at school going to my 3rd period class... and what was waiting was... i went inside the class and sat next to my friend christian, then the lights dimmed like we were waching a movie. so right after the lights dimmed, my teacher jumped on the desk and started playing guitar and singing Justin Bieber - Baby. and he was li " Baby Baby Baby ohhhhhh.." and i was like WDF in my dream, then i snapped out of it.FML.
But wait, theres more!!!!
So i fell asleep again and i started to dream i was fishig with my dad. we were on a harbor fishing out and then there was these white guys, they were on the jet ski's and riding on the water. then i threw out the line and started fishing, and then this white guy had the nerve to Jet ski over my fishing line! OMFG! i got mad and threw a rock at him, then a giant fish came out of the water and tried to eat me, but i stabbed it with a sharp rock.
-GOod 2 Dreams
i have one more.... should i share???....
So this last dream after i woke up from my second> it was like i was in Alaska or sumthing. it was really cold and so me and my family were hiking up these mountains that were all covered with snow.
once we got to a flat surface on the mountain, there was a giant Bear Deer waiting ( a bear and a deer mixed = bear deer) and i was like OMFG!!! and freaked out, then i ran and we found my dog, for some reason there was a beach on this mountain
(doesnt make sense I Kno but it was a dream.) so my dog was running from the water from the beach and the he kept barking at it cus it came closer. then i was looking at the floor and there was sand crabs, and my dog was trying to eat them, so i cought one and gave it to my dog to eat, then i was looking at across the beach, then a giant fish came and jumped out of the water and was eating like seals or something. then the bear deer came back, and my dog was barking at it, and then some person killed it. the End of my last dream.
Real Dreams
Rule: Reply comments about the dreams u have had lately
i will start first:
So this morning when i fell asleep like at 12:08 AM... i had a dream... i was at school going to my 3rd period class... and what was waiting was... i went inside the class and sat next to my friend christian, then the lights dimmed like we were waching a movie. so right after the lights dimmed, my teacher jumped on the desk and started playing guitar and singing Justin Bieber - Baby. and he was li " Baby Baby Baby ohhhhhh.." and i was like WDF in my dream, then i snapped out of it.FML.
But wait, theres more!!!!
So i fell asleep again and i started to dream i was fishig with my dad. we were on a harbor fishing out and then there was these white guys, they were on the jet ski's and riding on the water. then i threw out the line and started fishing, and then this white guy had the nerve to Jet ski over my fishing line! OMFG! i got mad and threw a rock at him, then a giant fish came out of the water and tried to eat me, but i stabbed it with a sharp rock.
-GOod 2 Dreams
i have one more.... should i share???....
So this last dream after i woke up from my second> it was like i was in Alaska or sumthing. it was really cold and so me and my family were hiking up these mountains that were all covered with snow.
once we got to a flat surface on the mountain, there was a giant Bear Deer waiting ( a bear and a deer mixed = bear deer) and i was like OMFG!!! and freaked out, then i ran and we found my dog, for some reason there was a beach on this mountain
(doesnt make sense I Kno but it was a dream.) so my dog was running from the water from the beach and the he kept barking at it cus it came closer. then i was looking at the floor and there was sand crabs, and my dog was trying to eat them, so i cought one and gave it to my dog to eat, then i was looking at across the beach, then a giant fish came and jumped out of the water and was eating like seals or something. then the bear deer came back, and my dog was barking at it, and then some person killed it. the End of my last dream.
Real Dreams