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This is Not a Ban Appeal

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1This is Not a Ban Appeal Empty This is Not a Ban Appeal Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:54 am



This isnt a ban appeal....this is my apoligetic post....

Today i have acted out cause so many things are wrong with the Server what broke me was that Alex had given a warning to a Confessed hacker,when the SextMS Tip says there are no warning or chances for a hacker,yet alex gave a chance to the hacker,and everything started coming unraveled and me and....im not gonna say the other person Just lost our heads and we started turning the server upside down,I apoligies for that.

The next was that Lush,yesterday is one of the most demanding brats in the server and thinks shes the queen demanding this and demanding that,When we think that every player should be treated Equally,that started piss everyone off,then she starts harrasing me for doing avi smegas when Scorpio didnt say a thing about avi smegas being against the rules to use (they are now thanks to Scorpio),the problem was somewhat settled People still use the Avi Smegas.

Another Problem isthere are so many hackers and yet all the GMS cant be bother to go check and ban and all im hearing is Alex is the only one allowed to ban them and then he cant get off his butt to go check,and then i see Alex give melodyMe in spookyWorld 20k leafs....WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ABOUT???,what happened to treating players fairly and i see him drop 20k leafs for melodyMe???.

Im sorry i have overreacted the only thing i can not forgive my self is the threat i made about reporting the server to Lloyd Korn CEO Lawyer of Nexon America - MapleStory...

Im sorry everyone for what i have done if you dont want to forgive me i can understand that

im Sorry Alex,Scorpio,jesus,xVenusHeart,IAmSammie,Fidget,TomCruise,Giggolo,bill,everyone else i forgot....Im very sorry my deepest apoligies...

2This is Not a Ban Appeal Empty Re: This is Not a Ban Appeal Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:08 am



Haha you're forgiven Smile. Have fun


3This is Not a Ban Appeal Empty Re: This is Not a Ban Appeal Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:15 am



just ahave a question scorpio.....was i actually banned cause everytime i clicked Sextms it said The server was crashed or updating....and everyone else was able to play and am i still banned?

also thanks for the forgiveness...

4This is Not a Ban Appeal Empty Re: This is Not a Ban Appeal Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:50 pm



Lol, its okay for a gm to act this way i guess. i was just looking for stuff on the forum and i saw this. but hey, u shouldn't be trying to change things when people like it the way it is. i'm not saying change isn't good but the server is the way it is. Mo is a good owner and so is every other GM that helps. If u don't get what i'm saying then i'm sorry for not making it more clear Very Happy - peace


5This is Not a Ban Appeal Empty Re: This is Not a Ban Appeal Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:24 pm



Moved from general discussion to archive.

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