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Suggestions from Text?

5 posters

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1Suggestions from Text? Empty Suggestions from Text? Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:49 pm



1. We need to have a better free market. The old free market is getting old. Maybe the original FM ? Thanks![b] Please agree with me put YES NUMBER 1! If you agree.

2 Better mobs no more old stinky gay ass mobs we need maybe Silver slimes? [b] YO FOOL YO AGREE WITH ME SAY YES NUMBER 2 PWNS! Very Happy

3We need a better entry when people come in... Starting off like this? A NPC in the bath that says Hey [IGN Player name] wanna just get out of here and explore the world but first you need to get to 50 In this place and then you can leave. They Click Yes they transport them to a place i dont know where Jr.Barlogs are snails and silver slimes so like order it Snail Jr.Barlogs then silver slimes? [SPERATRE A SILVER SLIMES TO A DIFFRENT PLACE IF UR GONNA ADD EM?][b] HELL YEAH THAT PWNS AGREE WITH ME NUMBER 3 PWNS Very Happy

4 A command to make us ugly @makeusugly This command of course.. makes us ugly but in diffrent faces diffrent hair and strip the person who uses this command Very Happy [b] OMFG -DROOLS THIS PWNS SAY YES NUMBER 4 PWNS Very Happy

5 The ludi and henesys Scorpio you should do !pnpc The Master snakes what ever they are so the GM Cant stop spawning them and make shure that we cant hit him by we i mean the people who arnt gm Very Happy [b] Agree with me yes Scorpio should do that.

Last one We players should be able to host events if we want to like a fashion show jq this goes with number 5 Look Scorpio maybe we should host a event WHEN GMS arnt hosting event like a command that only works in ludi jq henesys jq and a place like a place to do fashion show Very Happy[b] Agree yes we should be able to host events thanks!

Thanks for reading my suggestions i hope you agree with most of em. ~Text


2Suggestions from Text? Empty Re: Suggestions from Text? Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:00 pm




3Suggestions from Text? Empty Re: Suggestions from Text? Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:07 pm



Original Fm is OLD thats why we changed it to Boat Quay.
We already have diffrent maps ,No more black crows i think ,in updates
a better entry is cool but not like that
@makeusugly Idk about that lmao ,dont like it i guess?
Dont understand shit at 5th
and last,
You can host player events,Just use megaphones >_>

4Suggestions from Text? Empty Re: Suggestions from Text? Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:59 am



Lol sora answer for me~


5Suggestions from Text? Empty Re: Suggestions from Text? Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:51 am



5) or you can tell a GM to !event for you if they arent hosting one .

6Suggestions from Text? Empty Re: Suggestions from Text? Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:04 am



Lmao okays i'd say
1st , We are changing the FM , so No old fm
2nd .We having new maps so no.
3rd We will consider
4th No
5th Just ask a GM to !say for you if they will , Or mega it .
Not that way Vince.

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