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Welcome to sextms forum, please vote for us! to get points you must go to sextms.tk and click on either vote4voting points or vote4nx, Please donate as well!!! thank you we hope you enjoy this awesome PS Smile

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Forum update 5

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1Forum update 5 Empty Forum update 5 Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:32 pm



Okayokay, I've tons of free time and decide to finish the update 5 for Forum.

-Quick reply *YAY!
-Points (Nothing much xD)
Just a combination of Number of friends, post count, etc etc
-Thank system
If you want to Thank a person or vote for a post that is good, you can click the + sign at the right side of the post. The - sign do nothing.
Each of the following gives you 1 point.
-Multi Quote
-Portal (70% done)
-Forum Theme (Will be changing. Need Mo to do it since he's the founder) -.-

Will be doing:
Post count user group.
Eg: 100 post count= This
500 post count = This
etc etc

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